Friday, 10 December 2010

Dimensions - Get Ahead OCR Analysis - The Vixens

Final Album Cover

  • This is an example of a digipak taken from a students past project for media a level. I found this example by searching get ahead OCR in the google search engine. It then came up with a website then had several examples of digipak's. I chose this one as I felt it clearly demonstrates the typical codes and conventions of a Digipak. 
  • This digipak highlights several key factors that are normally included within this CD pack. This example uses a colour scheme to keep the consistency and flow between each section of the digipak.
  • The images of the artists on the front and back cover is composed very well and looks professional. I feel costume plays an important role in there appeal to their audience, young girls.
  • They have included the information of each song on the back cover and have positioned high heels mixed in with the text. I feel this works very well as it looks professional and original.
  • The drawing aspect of the front cover is very good as it relates to a younger audience and plays with the young girl band era.

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